Science news

China has developed unmanned combat helicopter



The Latest development of Aviation industry of China was presented the exhibition China Helicopter Expo, held in Tianjin. Unmanned helicopter AV500W created by the specialists of the Corporation, is designed for reconnaissance and combat operations, therefore, will be available in two versions. Side tools installed on it that allow you to attack infantry and military equipment, equipped with light armor.

the length of the helicopter — 7.2 meters, while it can lift up to 120 pounds of weapons and cargo. It is reported that the helicopter reconnaissance due to the significantly lighter weight will be able to stay in the air for up to eight hours. His military «comrade» full body armor is able to fly up to four hours. Both models are designed for flight at an altitude of four kilometers and a maximum speed of helicopters is about 170 kilometers per hour.

Combat version of the helicopter equipped with the radar systems and homing system for missiles «air — earth». All such missiles can be four — the more the helicopter will not lift, but will be able to produce them at targets located at a distance of five kilometers. In addition, AV500W equipped with a machine gun and a compartment for bombs.

«the Helicopter can be useful in a variety of situations, including when the border patrols, anti-terrorist operations and air support in the small military operations», — one of the developers AV500W.

aircraft of this type have a certain demand, but the market for such helicopters not so much, so developers want to compete with the commercially available analogues. In August AV500W already passed flight tests and fully test the helicopter the Corporation expect to end this year. According to the developers, serial production of both models will be ready next year.


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