Science news

The Seminar “Thomson Reuters and IET on the strategy of the publication activity of scientific editions in the Republic of Kazakhstan”



November 4, 2013at L.N.Gumilyov ENU, JSC “NCSTI” together with the representatives of Thomson Reutersheld a seminar on the topic: “Thomson Reuters and IET on the strategy of the publication activity of scientific editions in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The seminar organizer from theside of ENUwas the Department of Science and Innovation. The seminar was attended by the representatives of a number of Kazakhstan scientific organizations, universities and editors of scientific editions.

Presentations were made by James Testa-Honorary Vice-President of Thomson Reuters’ editorial policy,Oleg Utkin - key clientand research manager in the Moscow branch of JSC “Thomson Reuters”and Sergei Paramonov–client specialist in the Moscow branch of JSC “Thomson Reuters”.

In their presentations, the participants became acquainted with the policies of content selection in Web of Science and the recommendations to the editorial boards of the journals to improve their performance, with the statistics of use and publications in the database of Web of Science in Kazakhstan.

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