Science news

25th anniversary of the International Academy of Business



From October 31 to November 1, 2013 in Almaty, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Education and Science, the International conference "Entrepreneurship and business education in the developing world"takes place which is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the International Academy of Business (IAB).

The organizers of the conference are: IAB, the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), NEP Kazakhstan "Union”Atameken", the Russian Association of Business Education (RABE), the Central Asian Foundation for Management Development CAMAN and ULE" Forum of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan".

Expected speeches with greetings: of DeputyPrime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan YerbolOrynbayev; professor of economics and the laureate of Nobel Peace Prize 2006 Muhammad Yunus (Bangladesh);Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan AslanSarinzhipov; General Director of the European Foundation for Management Development (Brussels) Eric Cornwell;Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University (UK), Martin Jones;President of the Baltic Management Development Association (Lithuania) VirginiusKundrotas;Chairman of the NEP"Union" Atameken "AbylairMyrzakhmetov and Chairman of the Council of Directors of the media group "TAN", Chairman of the Council of Trustees of the IABArmanzhanBaitasov.

The mission of the conference is to provide a platform for dialogue to discuss directions of development of entrepreneurship and business education.Participants and guests of the event will be invited to discuss the development of the experience of entrepreneurship and business education of the countries with growing economies, consider the processes of economic cooperation and interaction with the developed countries.

Planned in the format of a business forum, the conference involves the following areas of work:
1. Entrepreneurship in developed countries and countries with growing economies;
2. The development of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries;
3. Institutional and corporate entrepreneurship;
4. Innovations and entrepreneurship;
5. Social entrepreneurship;
6. Family and women's entrepreneurship;
7. Business education for entrepreneurship;
8. Entrepreneurial Universities;
9. Youth entrepreneurship.

The organizers put the task to initiate a scientific exchange of views on the following issues:

1. Which achievements of entrepreneurship in the U.S., Western Europe and Asia can be an example for other countries in the world?
2. What are the characteristics of entrepreneurship in Central Asia, China, Russia, India and other growing economies?
3. Which western and eastern trends can be observed in the management models of countries with growing economies?
4. What factors (political, economic, ideological, cultural) contribute to increase the competitiveness, business culture and social responsibility of entrepreneurs?
5. What role does entrepreneurship play in changing social norms, labor relations and organizational culture of each country?
6. What are the role and place of business education and entrepreneurial universities in activating the economic development of the countries with growing economies?
7. What factors contribute to creating a favorable business sphere?

Also,the conference will include the seminars: “The system of accreditation program EPAS-EFMD”, “DAF - deans across borders”, presentation of W. Chan Kim’s books, Renee Moborn “Kogіldіrmuhitstrategiyasy” (Blye ocean strategy), E.Flamgoltsand I.Rendl (Growing Pains: Transitioning from an Enterpreneurship to a Professionally Managed Firm);Panel discussion “The process and ecosystem of entrepreneurship in the modern world” and a master class of president “Management Systems Consulting Corporation”, distinguished Professor of management of Anderson School of University of California at Berkeley (USA) - Eric Flemholts on the theme “Successful management of entrepreneurial growth: example Starbucks”.

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