Science news

Positive changes in preparation of scientific cadres in Kazakhstan.



The scientific research institute of innovative economy jointly with the University of International business organized conference on a subject "Labor market: truthfulness and perspective". During a meeting actual problems of preparation of qualified personnel for innovative economy were discussed. The President of JSC National Center for Scientific and Technical Information Adil Ibrayev participated in conference and expressed the opinion concerning preparation of scientific staff.
Today formation of innovative economy in the country opened opportunities for improvement of quality of life of the population and professional development of professional cadres. Therefore, he considers that everyone must aims to be a professional, setting goals.
During the conference the requirements to preparation of necessary cadres of innovative economy, labor migration and technological processes for increase of professional qualification were widely discussed.
The President of JSC NCSTI Adil Ibrayev also noted that recently in the country is implemented the new system of preparation of scientific personnel, improving its quality.
Preparation of qualitative scientific cadres is an actual problem of the country. After signing of the Bologna declaration in Kazakhstan the number of candidates of science was sharply reduced. And today due to new system there was a possibility of improvement of preparation of qualitative scientific personnel. In due time were protected 1500 candidates, 300 Doctors of science every year in Kazakhstan. After of the country in the Bologna Process only 700 PhD of doctors are prepared – the President of JSC NC STI Adil Ibrayev shared. Before every year in Kazakhstan 1500 defended Candidates of Sciences, 300 Doctor of Sciences. After joining the Bologna process only 700 PhD doctors were produced - shared President of JSC "NCSTI" Adil Ibraev.

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